Dr. Aparnna's OET learning centre is located at House No:1, Shastri Nagar, Kochukadavanthara ( 2 km away from Kadavanthara junction and 1.9 km away from Manorama junction), Panampilly nagar, Ernakulam. It is a very peaceful and accommodative area. Assistance is provided to those who seek hostel facilities within a walkable distance at an affordable rate. Apart from this, the only OET EXAMINATION CENTRE in Kerala is situated 1km away from our centre. The training is conducted in a homely ambience with adequate infrastructure coupled with true facilitators.
We have a dedicated and well qualified faculty, teaming with immense professionalism , which paves the ways to enlarge the candidates’ career prospects. Our centre upholds an excellent record of pass rate and the students who acquire this rewarding experience are our spoke persons to represent us.
We have been conducting online classes since the launching of our OET coaching for the candidates across the world. Our students from Australia, Belgium, Germany, the Middle East etc have successfully materialized their coveted dreams using the latest technologies to access the class availability.